Monday, August 30, 2010

Have you experienced a “crisis of faith”? We’d like to hear your story.

This discussion thread is devoted to those of you that have at some point in your life experienced a “crisis of faith.” We recognize that such crises can be complex, often painful experiences to go through, and that sharing those experiences publically can seem to only invite further suffering when one’s audience fails to show the appropriate sensitivity. Sadly, in cases of spiritual or emotional trauma, it is often the wounded that must initiate the processes that will lead to their healing.

This is in part due to the tragic fact that it often takes experiencing suffering to understand suffering. In this thread, we are inviting the participation of just such individuals to share their stories, solicit the insight and advice of true sympathizers, and to offer suggestions toward achieving real and lasting healing.

If you have experienced a crisis of faith and have since recovered, we’d like to know what lessons or resolutions are helping you today to persevere in your faith. If your crisis proved the end of your religious career, however, we’re interested to know what experiences, concerns or considerations fueled this transition, and how your life has changed since. We thank you in advance for your willingness to share these intimate details of your life and sincerely hope that the discussion generated here will benefit you in some way.