Monday, May 11, 2015

Chapter 7_Fine-Tuning


Plantinga: How can there be concord between science and religion?

à “One way would be as follows: scientific discoveries provide premises for good arguments for the existence of God.”[1]

Two examples:
(1) Fine tuning arguments, i.e., scientific discoveries in physics and astronomy about the structure of the universe (Ch. 7)
(2) Arguments from biology, i.e., arguments involving the nature and character of the living beings our world displays[2] (Ch. 8)

I. Fine-tuning

Fine-Tuning Argument –

[S]everal of the basic physical constants – the velocity of light, the strength of the gravitational force, and of the strong and weak nuclear forces – must fall within very narrow limits if intelligent life of our kind is to develop.[3]

Flatness problem – life is possible only because the universe is expanding at just the rate required to avoid recollapse.[4]

One reaction to these apparently enormous coincidences is to claim that none of this ought to be seen as requiring explanation: after all, no matter how things had been, it would have been exceedingly improbable that they be that particular way.[5]

Plantinga: How is this relevant?...Would this explanation pay in Dodge City?[6]

Assuming the values of these [six] parameters are independent of each other, the fine-tuning is of course multiplicative: the probability (on chance) that all six of the dials will be tuned to life-permitting widths is less than 10-100.[7]

Reply 1: It isn’t known that these variables are independent.[8]

Q1: What do think about reply 1 and Plantinga’s response?

Plantinga: How do we turn fine-tuning into an argument for theism?

à The basic idea is that such fine-tuning is not at all surprising or improbable on theism God presumably would want there to be life, and indeed intelligent life with which (whom) to communicate and share love. Of course this life could take many different forms (indeed, perhaps it has taken many forms)…[If God] wanted to create human life in a universe like ours, he would have been obliged to fine-tune the constants. On the other hand, on the atheistic hypothesis according to which these constants have their values by chance (that is, those values are not the result of anyone’s choice or intention) it is exceedingly improbable that they would be fine-tuned for life. This seems to offer support for theism: given theism, fine-tuning is not at all improbable; given atheism, it is; therefore, theism is to be preferred to atheism.[9]

Q2: What do you think about Plantinga’s argument above?

Reply 2: It isn’t known that these variables could have been “tuned” otherwise (mention how these constants came to be, i.e., by the cooling of the universe)

Q3: What do you think about reply 2 and Plantinga’s response?

II. Objections

A. The Anthropic Objection

The Anthropic Principle –

A necessary condition of anyone observing these values of the constants is that those constants have very nearly the values they do have. We are here to observe these constants only because they have the values they do have; if the universe were not fine-tuned, we wouldn’t be here to note that fact.[10]

Plantinga: This seems right, but how is it an objection to the FTA?

à The problem is supposed to be that with respect to our evidence here (that the universe is fine-tuned) there is an “observational selection effect” (OSE): we are arguing that the universe is fine-tuned, but it isn’t possible that we should observe that it is not fine-tuned. We could not have failed to have the evidence we do in fact have; we could not instead have observed that the universe is not fine-tuned; and this fact is supposed to invalidate the argument.[11]

My sample class is such that it couldn’t have contained a counter-example to my conclusion even if there were one; there is excellent reason, therefore, to doubt that the sample class is representative; and this ruins the argument.[12]

Plantinga: FTA isn’t of the same form….Arguments involving OSEs aren’t always bad arguments; why think the FTA is?[13]

à Eddington’s fish netting argument vs. the firing squad argument[14]

Plantinga: I say it’s much more like the firing squad argument…The problem with the fishing argument is that I am arguing for a particular proportion of ten-inch fish by examining my sample, which, given my means of choosing it, is bound to contain only members that support the hypothesis in question. But in the fine-tuning case, I am certainly not trying to arrive at an estimate of the proportion of fine-tuned universes among universes generally. If I were, my procedure would certainly be fallacious; but that’s not at all what I’m doing. Instead, I am getting some information about alpha (nevermind that I couldn’t have got information about any other universe, if there are other universes); and then I reason about alpha, concluding that [design] is to be preferred to [chance].[15]

à Eddington’s revised fish netting argument

Q4: Does a multiverse theory change the situation for Plantinga’s argument; specifically, does it make FTA more like Eddington’s (original) fish netting experiment?

B. Is the Relevant Probability Space Normalizable?

Formal Objection to FTA (McGrew, McGrew, and Vestrup) – There is no coherent way to state the argument.[16]

The point is we can’t have each of non-discrimination, countable additivity, and normalizability when assigning probabilities to these propositions…A genuine probability measure, however, must be additive and normalizable. Hence no FTA involves a genuine probability measure; therefore FTAs are incoherent.[17]

à Plantinga: [T]heir objection is clearly defective: it proves too much…Their objection is too strong in that it eliminates arguments that are clearly successful.[18]

The history of measure theory is the history of attempts to come to an account of measure that deals properly with sets of infinite magnitude and is also intuitively satisfactory. As it turns out, no wholly satisfactory account is possible. Thus H.L. Royden:

Ideally, we should like m (the measure) to have the following properties: that m is defined for every set of real numbers, that the measure of an interval is its length, that the measure is countably additive, and that it is translation invariant. Unfortunately, as we shall see…it is impossible to construct a set function having all of these properties.[19]

Leopold Kronecker – there aren’t any actual infinities. There may be quantities that approach infinity as a limit, but there aren’t and couldn’t be any actual infinite quantities.[20]

à Plantinga: Give up countable additivity.[21]

Q5: Any thoughts on the argument above? Do you think FTA is a coherent argument? 

C. Many Universes?

[P]erhaps there are very many, even infinitely many different universes or worlds; the cosmological constants and other parameters take on different values in each world, so that very many (perhaps all possible) different sets of such values gets exemplified in one world or another. If so, however, it’s likely or inevitable that in some worlds these parameters take on values permitting life, and of course we would find ourselves in such a world.[22]

à Plantinga: True, given many universes displaying different sets of parameters, the probability that one or another of them will be fine-tined, display a life-permitting set of parameters, is high…But how does that affect the probability that our universe, this particular universe is fine-tuned?...The multi-game hypothesis, even if true, is irrelevant. No doubt someone in one of those enormously many poker games deals himself all the aces and a wild card without cheating; but the probability that I (as opposed to someone or another) am honestly dealing in that magnificently self-serving way is very low.[23]

Neil Manson: [T]he “This Universe” objection helps itself to some non-obvious metaphysical assumptions the most important of which is that the Universe could have taken different values for its free parameters…whether the values of its free parameters are among the essential properties of a universe will depends, we think, on what a given multiverse theory says a universe is.[24]

Plantinga: Is it plausible or reasonable to claim that the universe [or the elementary particles that are spatiotemporally relate to those that are pars of the universe] has these properties essentially?[25]

à [I]t certainly seems that these things could exist even if the parameters in question had slightly different values.[26]

Q6: Do you think how things seem to Plantinga, or to anyone else for that matter, provides any sort of defense against objections like Manson’s?

 Plantinga: The FTA is far from conclusive; it is epistemically probable, though by no means epistemically certain, that our universe could have failed to be fine-tuned; therefore, the probability that it is fine-tuned, given the atheistic many-universe hypothesis, is low, much lower than on the hypothesis of theism.[27]

Q7: What does it mean for something to be epistemically probable? Given how far outside our intuitions the present topics lie, do you think the concept of epistemic probability is a helpful one?

Spinoza offers an alternative analysis of modal terms that might be relevant here:

[T]here is nothing to justify us in calling things contingent, I wish to explain briefly what meaning we shall attach to the word contingent; but I will first explain the words necessary and impossible…A thing is called necessary either in respect to its essence or in respect to its cause; for the existence of a thing necessarily follows, either from its essence and definition, or from a given efficient cause. For similar reasons a thing is said to be impossible; namely, inasmuch as its essence or definition involves a contradiction, or because no external cause is granted, which is conditioned to produce such an effect; but a thing can in no respect be called contingent, save in relation to the imperfection of our knowledge…A thing of which we do not know whether the essence does or does not involve a contradiction, or of which, knowing that it does not involve a contradiction, we are still in doubt concerning the existence, because the order of causes escapes us,—such a thing, I say, cannot appear to us either necessary or impossible. Wherefore we call it contingent or possible.[28]

D. Can We Come Up with the Relevant Probabilities?

3 ways to interpret FTA[29]
(1) In terms of Bayes’ theorem

Elliot Sober: Antecedent probabilities are too hard to discover – or perhaps to subjective, in that different people will make very different estimates of them.

(2) Likelihood version – If fine-tuning is more to be expected given theism than given atheism, then the existence of fine-tuning confirms theism over atheism.[30] On this interpretation of FTA, P(F/T) is greater than P(F/T), and therefore theism is to be preferred to atheism, at least with respect to the evidence of fine-tuning.

Elliott Sober – We can’t make a sensible estimate of P(F/T).[31]

The problem is to say how probable it is, for example, that the vertebrate eye would have feature F1,…Fn if the eye were produced by an intelligent designer…The problem is that the design hypothesis confers a probability on the observation only when it is supplemented with further assumption about what the Designer’s goals and abilities would be if He existed.[32]

Q8: What exactly would we expect to discover about the engineering, so to speak, of organisms or the universe if they were indeed designed? Even if evolutionary theory weren’t on the table as an alternative explanation for how organisms are engineered, wouldn’t it still put a significant strain on the design hypothesis to propose it as the explanation for the structure of organisms and the universe, i.e., in light of its apparent design flaws?

Plantinga: But why can’t we just add to theism those further assumptions Sober speaks of? Why not revise theistic FTA by adding some further proposition to the hypothesis?[33]

à “But two can play at that game.” Atheism can build further assumptions into their hypothesis as well…”What we get here is a sort of arms race in which each side can produce a series of hypotheses on which F is ever more probable; indeed, each can finally produce a hypothesis on which the probability of F is 1.”[34]

Plantinga: [H]ow can we determine which hypotheses are to be compared, i.e., how can we determine which are the right ones with respect to which to estimate the probability of fine-tuning? On the Bayes theoretic version of the FTA, it is the prior probabilities that perform that function; but on the likelihoods version we have to ignore them.[35]

Plantinga: Sadly enough, something similar holds for the Bayes theoretic version. Here, of course, we do take the antecedent probabilities into account. But how do we figure out the antecedent probability of theism? What is the prior probability, prior to consideration of the evidence, if any, afforded by fine-tuning?[36]

à Objective probability – either 1 (for the classical Christian) or 0 (for the atheist)[37]

à Epistemic probability – either high (for a theist) or low (for an atheist); for others, no probability at all will be able to be assigned[38]

(3) Inference to the best explanation

Plantinga: Even if [some unlikely] explanation is the best one, you will quite properly refuse to accept it as the truth of the matter. And this points to a problem with the FTA construed as something like an inference to the best explanation; substantially the same problem that afflicts it construed Bayesianly. Part of what makes an explanation good or bad is its probability.[39]

Plantinga: It is fairly clear…that FTA, taken this way – that is, taken as involving antecedent probabilities – offers at best modest support for theism.[40]

Q9: Do you agree with Plantinga that FTA lends mild support for theism over atheism? Do you think we have the means necessary to make reasonable estimates of the relevant probabilities so as to even justify the attempt at an argument for theism from alleged fine-tuning? Why or why not?

[1] P. 197.
[2] P. 198.
[3] p. 198.
[4] P. 199.
[5] P. 200-201.
[6] P. 200-201.
[7] P. 203.
[8] P. 203.
[9] P. 203.
[10] P. 204.
[11] P. 205.
[12] P. 205.
[13] P. 206.
[14] P. 207.
[15] P. 208-209.
[16] P. 209.
[17] P. 212.
[18] P. 213.
[19] P. 215.
[20] P. 216.
[21] P. 216.
[22] P. 218.
[23] P. 220.
[24] P. 221.
[25] P. 222-223.
[26] P. 223.
[27] P. 225.
[28] Ethics, Proposition 33, note 1. url:
[29] p. 226.
[30] P. 227.
[31] P. 227.
[32] P. 227.
[33] P. 228.
[34] P. 228-229.
[35] P. 229.
[36] P. 229.
[37] P. 229.
[38] P. 229-230.
[39] P. 230-231.
[40] P. 230.